Contribute by Cheque

Mail cheque to:   COMPASSION 365 FOUNDATION
75 Dickson Hill Rd.
Markham ON    L3P 3J3

E-Transfer to

Credit Card or call 905-642-7041

 Always give without remembering, always receive without forgetting.


E-transfer to make a contribution to COMPASSION 365 FOUNDATION formerly Five with D.R.I.V.E Foundation
charitable # 824205926RR0001

An example of your monthly or yearly gift makes the following possible for someone in need in our community.

$ 25.00 donation helps to

  • provide a meal for a senior, a cancer survivor or small unit family.
  • fill a pantry with basic items such as bread, pasta, cereal, canned & dried foods
  • fill a fridge with milk, butter and eggs

$ 50.00 donation helps us to purchase healthy items such

  • baby formula
  • baby food, snacks, diapers, wipes
  • special dietary items

$ 100.00 donation helps us to purchase

  • frozen meat, poultry
  • frozen fruits, vegetables

The above is a guideline, we strive to help those in need in our community with basic necessities such as personal hygiene products, toilet paper, shampoo, soap and many more items you purchase for your family.  Monetary donations go a long way in helping people in our community since Compassion365 purchases grocery items at a wholesale cost which in turn gives us more buying power. 

Items such as movie tickets, sporting or music events are out of reach for many families, if you would like to support a family or a teenager by donating tickets give us a call at 905-642-7041

Compassion 365 will bridge the gap between those in our community that would like to donate with those who are in need.