Saturday September 21st, 2024
2 pm to dusk

I have learned that acting justly loving mercy and walking humbly is a process.
Daniel Rossi
Who We Are
Compassion 365 Foundation (formerly Five with D.R.I.V.E. Foundation) is a volunteer based organization, located in Markham Ontario. Determination, Respect, Initiative, Valor and Excellence is what describes the character and integrity of the Compassion 365 Foundation.
The foundation is run whole heartedly on a volunteer basis that provides the core of making a difference in the lives of others. Founded in 2004, the Compassion 365 Foundation has supported many local causes and organized various fundraising events across York Region.
We partner with our supporters in Canada and local organizations abroad to provide compassion and relief to anyone who needs it, regardless of religion, race, gender and socio-economical status.

Sharing awareness of behalf of victims, to support, empower and provide resources to the victims of crime and to effect positive chains to victim services in Canada.
Helping Others and Yourself!

It’s often been said that it’s better to give than to receive, but did you know that this so called cliché is actually backed by research? While many of us feel too stressed and busy to worry about helping others with their burdens, or would like to think about doing good deeds when we have more ‘spare’ time, energy and money, altruism is its own reward, and can actually help you relieve stress. Altruistic acts can improve your quality of life in several ways, and are absolutely worth the effort.

Daniel and Andrew
are the humble recipients of
The Queen Jubilee Award